Guest account

How do I access the Online Services as a guest?

Login as guest

Selected services can be requested as guest (without creating an user account). In order to login as guest, select <Login> in the menu bar on the left hand side - this brings you to the login page. Just enter your e-mail address and click on the <Login as guest> button to continue. Thereafter you will be able to select an airport and create a new request.

Your e-mail address is always required as we need to keep you informed about the approval process for your request and for the airport to directly get in contact with you in case of any questions.

Important information for guest requests

Certain services will not be available for guests. This applies in particular to requests for flights outside of the regular opening hours of an airport, which require a billing address for cost coverage. The same applies to flights that require customs clearance at airports that are not airports of entry ("Befreiung vom Zollflugplatzzwang").

Make sure to use the correct spelling of the e-mail address when logging in as a guest as you will not receive any status information / approvals concerning your request in case of a wrong e-mail address. In order to verify your e-mail address, you will be required to re-enter it before you can finally submit your request.

After submission of your guest request, you will receive an acknowledgement of reciept from the airport, where you requested services. This message contains a secret link that will allow you to view, modify or cancel this request through the website. Alternatively, you can create a new user account by providing the same e-mail address as used for the guest request. This will provide you access to all requests that have ever been submitted using this e-mail address.

Create an account later

If you decide to create a new user account later by providing an e-mail address that has been used for guest requests previously, all past and current requests sent under this e-mail address will be accessible after login. You will be able to create templates even from past (closed) requests.

Last updated